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Episode 89: How to Make Love Last. Tips from My Parent's 33 Year Long Marriage. [Valentine's Special]

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It's no secret that I love talking about health and weight loss. And while nutrition tips, fitness strategies, and mindset mastery are all major components of that, we can't overlook the important role our relationships play in our wellbeing. 

And with Valentine's day around the corner, I could think of no 2 better people to talk on this subject than my own mom and dad. 

Not only have they been married for 33 years, they have been happily married for 33 years. To this day I brag about how much they still flirt, and date, and find nice ways to surprise each other (my dad putting together a sign show like the scene in 'Love Actually' for Christmas last year comes to mind).

It is my hope that I one day get to enjoy a marriage like there's. One that has lasted through many jobs, many kids, many moves, and that still brings so much love and joy.

If that sounds like the kind of relationship you hope to foster too, listen to this episode as I ask the biggest relationship questions like:

  • How do you know he/she is the one?
  • What are the 3 most important qualities all relationships should have?
  • How do you keep the spark alive for 33 years?
  • What's the biggest mistake you see people make that's harmful to the longevity of their relationship?


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