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Episode 234: Kat Finally Weighs in on Ozempic

May 21, 2024

A client of mine recently had lunch with a friend who complimented her on her now-leaner physique. 

In the past, the most common follow up question in this kind of exchange would have been, "What diet are you on?" 

But instead, her first instinct was to ask, "Are you on Ozempic?"

This is beyond concerning and tells me one thing: we are clearly not learning from our past. 

It's like we're the girl who keeps getting drawn into relationships with toxic guys, each time thinking, "This time it'll be different."

Right now...

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Episode 176: Q&A in Kat's Coaching Corner - Part 1

Nov 08, 2022

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Do you ever just wish you could have a little coach in your pocket, answering any nutrition or fitness questions that come up to help keep you on track??

Well... welcome to Kat's Coaching Corner!

Last week, Tanya (the influencer I work with) and I did a Q&A on her page and ya'll loved it! And so the Coaching Corner was born.

Each week I'll be posting a questions sticker on my Instagram stories to help clarify and support you on whatever journey you may be on.

Then I'll be bringing the best...

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Episode 139: Kat's Clients Reveal The Best Advice That Worked For Them

Feb 08, 2022

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It's one thing to hear a nutrition coach rattling off advice on how to get healthy when clearly, that's not something they struggle with (at least not anymore). 

It can sometimes feel generic, or one-size-fits-all, or good in theory but not realistic for your life.

And the truth is, while part of my job is to share what I've learned through years of education and my own experience, a bigger part of my job is to help people navigate their individual personalities, preferences, and...

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Episode 125: What Does It Really Take To Get Flat Abs???

Oct 26, 2021

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Aaaah, the ever elusive flat abs, the toned tummy, the 6-pack... how ever will we find you?

I remember back in my dancer days, a slim waist was the pinnacle of beauty in my eyes. I loved looking at my flat stomach in the morning, but lamented the first meal that would immediately send me back to 'fluffy' territory.

And believe you me, I tried all the gimmicks - apple cider vinegar, 6-pack ab workouts from women's magazines, drinking this drink, following that plan.

Shocker of shockers, it got me nowhere.

Which is why...

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Episode 105: Starting a Weight Loss Journey With My S.T.R.O.N.G Method

Jun 01, 2021

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As the pandemic winds down, you may be feeling like you're starting at square one with your health and fitness journey. 

With excess stress, closed gyms, no consistent routine, the pantry 5 steps away at all times, and no one seeing us from the chest down, a lot of us struggled not to put weight on and say bye-bye to healthy habits.

So let's break it down, start from the beginning, and take it one step at a time using my S.T.R.O.N.G Method:

Start Your Journey with Clarity.

So few people take the time to...

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Episode 94: Healing Your Metabolism with Reverse Dieting

Mar 16, 2021

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What is reverse dieting?

Reverse dieting is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of decreasing your calories like you would on a diet, you slowly and strategically increase calories over time with the goal of increasing your metabolism and fat-burning potential.

During a reverse diet you will often shift away from cardio and emphasize weight training as a way to tell your body to partition the excess calories towards building lean muscle instead of storing it as fat.

The end...

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Episode 70: 3 Steps to Ditch Diets and Find Food Freedom with Intuitive Eating

Sep 29, 2020

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If I told you that you can have the body you've always wanted without cutting out your favorite food, without counting calories, and without starving yourself, how would you feel?

My guess? Skeptical as fuck. 

It sounds way too good to be true, right? Especially if even the strictest of diets hasn't brought you the results you want. 

I know when I used to diet hop, I figured if x diet didn't work, it just meant that I needed to be that much more disciplined, I needed to cut out ...

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Episode 68: 4 Mistakes Leading to Nighttime Snack Attacks (And What to Do About It)

Sep 15, 2020

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Do you feel pretty strong in your eating game during the day, but then night hits and it feels like you’re possessed by a demon with 18 stomachs. 

You shut the laptop off, you put the kids to bed, you sit on the couch, and the gorging begins. 

You shovel down handfuls of salty chips, which then makes you want something sweet so you’ll have a cookie, or 12. Then your boo makes popcorn and you’re just going to have a handful (the bowl is now yours). But you need a soda or cocktail to wash it down....

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Episode 67: 5 Surprising Reasons Your Diet Isn't Working (And How to Fix It)

Sep 08, 2020

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I can’t begin to tell you how many women have come to me who have tried every diet under the sun who feel like no matter how hard they try, the weight just is never coming off.

After years of watching others find success on the very diets that failed them, they wonder if it’s just… them. They wonder if they’re just getting old, or their genetics are working against them, or they’re simply destined to a life of feeling fluffy. 

If you can relate, I’m going to assure you right now:...

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Episode 66: 3 Steps to Stop Weekend Overeating

Sep 01, 2020

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Who’s done it? Raise your hand high ‍if you do really well with your eating Monday through Thursday, then Friday night hits and your habits go to hell in a hand basket for the next 3 days.

I know I have! You make it through a stressful week and the ultimate reward is that Friday night pizza you enjoy while watching Netflix. 

Then Saturday hits and you find yourself gravitating towards those chips and cookies you did so good at avoiding all week. 

Then Sunday comes and it’s time for brunch and...

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