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Episode 245: My #1 Tip for Healthy Travel (Sans Deprivation)

Sep 24, 2024

I just came back from a 7-day cruise and on the last night my friend Jose asked how disciplined I felt like I was during the trip. 

I said, “I don’t know that ‘disciplined’ is the right word.” Discipline in this context implies willpower, sacrifice, and strict rules. That really doesn’t describe my experience on board. 

The right word? Mindful. Here’s how this looked in practice…

Mindful of my hunger and satiety cues.

With lots of all-you-can-eat buffets it would be easy to go...

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Episode 234: Kat Finally Weighs in on Ozempic

May 21, 2024

A client of mine recently had lunch with a friend who complimented her on her now-leaner physique. 

In the past, the most common follow up question in this kind of exchange would have been, "What diet are you on?" 

But instead, her first instinct was to ask, "Are you on Ozempic?"

This is beyond concerning and tells me one thing: we are clearly not learning from our past. 

It's like we're the girl who keeps getting drawn into relationships with toxic guys, each time thinking, "This time it'll be different."

Right now...

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Episode 163: 7 Reasons You're Struggling with Consistency

Jul 26, 2022

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Does this sound like you, "I know what to eat, I know how to exercise, I just can't stick with it!"

If so, you are not alone. Consistency is probably the single biggest thing women are struggling with when they come to me, and it is the single most important thing if you want results.

But when talking about consistency, almost every woman I know says, "I just can't stay motivated long enough." 

And I'm here to tell you, motivation has nothing - and I do mean nothing -  to do with it. 


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Episode 144: What Causes Weight Loss Plateaus and How to Break Through

Mar 15, 2022

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Weight loss plateaus. 

They are annoying. Frustrating. Defeating. Discouraging. And all around sucky. 

They also are inevitable on any weight loss journey, so instead of fighting the unavoidable, let's understand why they happen and what you can do to get that scale moving again (without doing anything you're going to regret later).

Why do plateaus happen?

When you start to lose weight you tend to lose it quickly because - spoiler alert - a good amount of it is water weight. Initially your body...

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Episode 96: Is Your Weight Set Point Keeping You Stuck?

Mar 30, 2021

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Do you ever feel like your body is legitimately fighting against your weight loss efforts? Like every pound is a struggle to lose, and even if you do hit your goal weight, just a slight deviation in your diet or a week off of working out sends the scale soaring back up?

You're not crazy, what you're experiencing is weight set point. 

What is weight set point?

Your body has an intrinsic weight that it likes to hover around (plus or minus a few pounds) that is determined at birth. But over the course of years of...

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Episode 62: What to Do When You Want to Quit

Aug 04, 2020

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I was chatting with a girl on a Facebook forum the other day who was half way through her Whole30 journey and ready to throw in the towel. She WAS seeing results, but she was just truly burned out.

She was bored of her meals, she was tired of thinking so hard about her food choices, and she just couldn’t seem to get that spark back. The constant mantra in her head was, ‘ugh, 15 more days of this.’ 

I think we’ve all been there right? I know I have. And the real problem with being in...

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Episode 58: 3 Steps to Stay Fit While in 'Vacation Mode' (Without Feeling Deprived)

Jul 07, 2020

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I’m going to be straight with you. When my family and I vacation, it has historically been 100% food-centered. Everything we do is planned around what restaurants we’re going to hit, what delectable meals we’re going to enjoy, what desserts we’ll indulge in.

And when we aren’t eating, we’re really just killing time until the next meal comes around.

Can you relate?

And here’s the thing, as your coach, I’m not about to tell you to skip the NY pizza for a salad. Or to...

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Episode 57: Kaizen: Your Secret Weapon for Lasting Habit Change?

Jun 30, 2020

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What is kaizen??

It's a Japanese term for 'continuous improvement' and it relies on small, incremental, consistent changes that lead to potentially massive improvement and transformation.

Both research and my own experience shows, this is by far the MOST effective strategy for long term weight loss. 

How can it help with weight loss?

  1. When you set small, manageable goals, you experience the dopamine rush of quick wins. Leading to greater motivation to keep going instead of the discouragement that...
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Episode 53: 4 Reasons to Break Up with Low Carb Diets (According to Science)

Jun 02, 2020

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A few weeks ago, my friend Doug reached out to me wondering why he actually got more shredded while eating more carbs during quarantine.

This may sound totally counterintuitive, especially in the age of keto where 'experts' would have you believe that low carb is the best way to go if your primary goal is weight loss. 

But as per usual, the weight loss industry loves highlighting the quick fix side of these trends, while ignoring the long term implications on your health and weight...

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Episode 33: Expert Secrets on Weight Loss, Motivation, and Creating Balance in Life

Jan 14, 2020

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Some of you may know that I recently held a free No Excuses New Year Transformation Challenge. 

And because the live trainings were so powerful for so many, I decided to share them with you as bonus episodes in the Life Unleashed Show! (cue cheering)

Here's what we covered:

Sunday: Why your weight loss programs haven't worked and what to do about it.

Monday: 'Eat less, move more' is terrible weight loss advice, here's what you should focus on instead.

Tuesday: The secret to reaching your wildest dreams...

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