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Episode 139: Kat's Clients Reveal The Best Advice That Worked For Them

Feb 08, 2022

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It's one thing to hear a nutrition coach rattling off advice on how to get healthy when clearly, that's not something they struggle with (at least not anymore). 

It can sometimes feel generic, or one-size-fits-all, or good in theory but not realistic for your life.

And the truth is, while part of my job is to share what I've learned through years of education and my own experience, a bigger part of my job is to help people navigate their individual personalities, preferences, and...

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Episode 125: What Does It Really Take To Get Flat Abs???

Oct 26, 2021

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Aaaah, the ever elusive flat abs, the toned tummy, the 6-pack... how ever will we find you?

I remember back in my dancer days, a slim waist was the pinnacle of beauty in my eyes. I loved looking at my flat stomach in the morning, but lamented the first meal that would immediately send me back to 'fluffy' territory.

And believe you me, I tried all the gimmicks - apple cider vinegar, 6-pack ab workouts from women's magazines, drinking this drink, following that plan.

Shocker of shockers, it got me nowhere.

Which is why...

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Episode 93: Struggling to Become the 'New You'?

Mar 09, 2021

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We all have a version of ourselves we're trying to become: thinner, richer, healthier, happier, more motivated, more loving, more brave.  

We know where we want to be, we know we aren't happy with where we are, but sometimes we can't figure out how to get from here to there. 

It's one thing to make a change for a day, or a week, or a month. But how do you go from working out a few times here and there, to becoming someone who works out whether the motivation is there or not?

It's one thing to...

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Episode 92: How to Stop Going 'Full Fuck It' After One Cheat

Mar 02, 2021

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Just a few days ago I ordered a Hopdoddy burger and truffle fries for lunch. A few years ago, here's how the rest of the day would've gone down:

Well, I already screwed up my diet for the day, might as well eat some ice cream too, I'll start back strong tomorrow...

But now that I had ice cream I want something salty (eats handfuls of chips out of the bag standing in the pantry looking at what other cheats I can have. Grabs the box of cookies and starts mowing through those too). 

Hours later laying in bed: I'm such a...

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Episode 85: Controlling Your Chaos. How to Lose Weight When Life Goes Haywire.

Jan 12, 2021

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Have you ever started on fitness journey, fully committed, maybe even saw results, and then life happened and knocked you off course? Maybe you got a promotion, moved, got in a relationship, or got out of a relationship, and suddenly you look up and realize you’ve had take out every night this week or you haven’t done a single workout. And you just sort of throw up your hands in defeat.

Do you find yourself constantly pulled in a million directions? Your to-do list is endless, people constantly need...

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Episode 71: 3 Mental Reframes to Stop People Pleasing And Prioritize YOUR Goals

Oct 06, 2020

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For most of us, the 'new normal' we're all trying to adapt to is tough. For those who are natural-born people-pleasers... it's a freaking nightmare. 

Boundaries don't exist at work anymore so you work longer hours. You're on mom/teacher duty 24/7. Your spouse may be asking you to take on more household chores. And basically everyone assumes you're home and available all the time.

With all of this going on, when you're at the beck and call of everyone around you and you feel too guilty to say no because they may...

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Episode 69: 5 Times You THINK You're Being Healthy, But You're Not

Sep 22, 2020

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I can't tell you how many times I've had this conversation:

Client/friend/stranger on the street when they find out I'm a nutrition coach: "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm seriously eating so much healthier than I used to, but I just can't get this weight off."

Me: "Hmmm, ok tell me what your diet and workout routine are looking like."

Them: *Gives me a list of seemingly solid choices based off old fitness magazines, but includes a number of red flags*.

Me: "Got it, here's what we've got to do..."


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Episode 66: 3 Steps to Stop Weekend Overeating

Sep 01, 2020

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Who’s done it? Raise your hand high ‍if you do really well with your eating Monday through Thursday, then Friday night hits and your habits go to hell in a hand basket for the next 3 days.

I know I have! You make it through a stressful week and the ultimate reward is that Friday night pizza you enjoy while watching Netflix. 

Then Saturday hits and you find yourself gravitating towards those chips and cookies you did so good at avoiding all week. 

Then Sunday comes and it’s time for brunch and...

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Episode 64: Turning Things Around: Life Lessons from an Anti-Self-Helper

Aug 18, 2020

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If you've been following the Life Unleashed Podcast for any length of time, you know we NERD OUT on personal development.

But what if you just aren't the self-help reading, journal writing, self therapizing type? Does that mean you can't create meaningful transformation in your life?

Absolutely not. And to prove it to you, I brought on a special guest this week, my friend Doug Fore. He is not a nutrition expert, he is not a personal trainer, he is not a coach of any kind, a book author or a public speaker. In fact, in his...

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Episode 60: 3 MUST DO'S to Lose Weight with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Jul 21, 2020

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In my early years of hypothyroidism, before I was even aware I had Hashimoto’s, I hated my body. I despised the little ring of fat around my tummy, my soft arms, and the stretch marks starting to form on my inner thighs. 

But I’m no victim, I wasn’t going to just stand there and let my thyroid dictate what I looked like. So I got to work. 2-a-day workouts were my norm, combining strength and cardio to burn off every bit of fat I could. I treated carbs like they were the enemy, waiting for me to...

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