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Episode 25: Shape Your Environment, Shape Your Body, Shape Your Business

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  • Environment in this context entails the people you spend time with, the items you surround yourself with, and your literal location.
  • People
    • According to a study I came across in the NY Times, when a close friend becomes obese, you are 171% more likely to become obese yourself. 
    • The people around you influence what you view as acceptable, they influence your habits, and because of mirror neurons, we tend to mimic their beliefs and behaviors.
  • Places
    • Maybe you never have candy. You aren't even tempted by it. But suddenly you're sitting in a dark movie theatre shoveling sour skittles down your throat.
    • My location trigger was always flights. I never drink soda, but the second I got on an airplane, I immediately reached for a ginger ale... and chex mix. 
    • I've had tons of clients with workout rooms in their homes that go unused because it's also the 'junk room.' If you want to be more consistent about taking action towards your business or fitness goals, make the location of said action more appealing to spend your time in. 
  • Things
    • The accessibility you have to items that either support or derail your mission will largely impact your ability to achieve your end game. 
    • If your aim is weight loss and you keep your favorite binge-worthy snacks in the pantry, you are virtually guaranteeing failure before you even start. You're relying on will power, a finite resource that quickly drains at the site of a stressor or decision fatigue.
    • If your aim is excellence, having distractions in your work space is a great way to never reach your full potential.
  • We dive deeper into the how-to steps to systematically alter your environment to set you up for success in my UNLEASH Method. You'll learn my EOE strategy for identifying your biggest environmental triggers, reorganizing your space and life to disempower those triggers, and adding elements that significantly increase your chances for crushing your goals in 2020.


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