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Episode 63: I Finished My Weight Loss Program... Now What?

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Have you ever gone full bore into a new diet and you’re so excited about how your body is responding that you don’t think about what will come after the 30, 60, or 90 day plan?

Then that fateful day arrives and all at once you’re filled with so much pride for completing it, yet so much dread for not knowing what the fuck to do next.

This is hard even if you’ve been following a relatively balanced diet plan, but it’s amplified 10000x more when you’ve been severely restricting and you know there’s no way you can keep that up indefinitely.

This is usually the point at which we slide back into old habits and slowly watch the number on the scale creep back up (dread face).

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We don’t have to stay on this ride.

What to do right now:

1. Make a list of what you loved about the program. 

Maybe intermittent fasting kept you from evening binges. Or the portion control guide was really helpful for eating out. Or you felt so much better when you cut dairy out. Or you discovered you loved kickboxing but hated yoga.

This is your chance to stop looking outside of yourself for the answers and engaging in the habit of diet chasing, and to start connecting with what feels good to your body and what works for your lifestyle.

2. Make a list of the aspects of the diet you cannot or will not maintain.

Can’t go the rest of your life knowing you can never eat a cookie again? Neither can I! So take that off the list of ‘rules’ and figure out a way to incorporate cookies in a balanced, healthy way.

What to do next time:

There should be an immediate warning signal going off in your brain any time you see a program that cuts out or severely limits an entire macronutrient, that gives you an exact meal plan to follow, or that doesn’t include any mindset or habit work. 

So many weight loss programs are designed to keep you coming back for more. Instead of falling into their trap, look for: food principles > meal plans, balance > extremes, and tried & true > new and shiny. 

BONUS TIP: Ask about joining my Unleashed Club! It’s a monthly mastermind designed for women who want support in maintaining and continuing their weight loss journey with simple habits that never go out of style.


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