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Episode 73: 5 Realistic Ways to Maintain Healthy Habits Through Crazy Busy Seasons

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We all have what I call ‘sprint seasons’ in our life where it doesn’t matter how good we are with time management, our days are just utterly packed. 

And during those times it can feel like the ONLY option is to completely let go of the reigns on our healthy habits. That’s usually when we start to skip meals, hit the drive through, or shovel a handful of goldfish crackers down our throats and call it ‘lunch’.

But losing weight and keeping it off can’t be about only taking care of yourself when it’s convenient. You’ve got to learn how to bend and flex with ALL the circumstances life throws your way.

So what can you do to navigate a sprint season while staying committed to your weight loss goals? 

1. Do a zero-prep grocery haul.

When life gets crazy busy, fast-food and skipping meals are NOT your only options. Hit up the grocery store and load up on a variety of foods that require NO prep whatsoever. 

2. Multitask for movement + be a weekend warrior OR grease the groove.

When life gets crazy, it can feel too overwhelming to get a full workout in every day. So to keep your movement habit in tact, look for activities throughout your day that allow for you to move your body while you work. 

Then use the weekends to get in a couple of really solid total body workouts.

The other option throughout the week is greasing the groove. The concept here is to pick 3 exercises and every hour or so stand up and do them. It'll take virtually no time but it'll add up over the course of the day.

3. Turn your phone into your coach.

We all can have the best of intentions to drink our water, move our body, or eat an actual healthy lunch. But it's shockingly easy to straight up forget when you're in go-go-go mode. 

So set reminders in your phone throughout the day telling you to drink your water, move your body, and EAT!

4. Sacrifice screen time instead of you time. 

I totally get the desire to zone out in front of the tv or social media after a busy day. And I'm not saying you can't do that at all.

But try limiting yourself to maybe 30-minutes of social media scrolling and one tv episode. Then prioritize self-care that will not only de-stress you, but that will actively help you reach your goals.

5. Get diligent about recognizing and eliminating low impact tasks. 

I've definitely caught myself adding things to my to-do list that simply DON'T need to be prioritized when the day is already packed.

This is the one time I will encourage you to procrastinate. Put off those random little things that would be nice to get done, but that don't need to get done right now. 

Want to hear some more specific examples of how to apply these tips in your life? We dive into those deets in the podcast episode! Click the link at the top to listen!


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