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Episode 78: Thanksgiving Do's & Don'ts (Covid Edition)

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Thanksgiving. During a NORMAL year it's a minefield of stuffing, pies, and alcohol, threatening to send us down the slippery slope of holiday season fuck-it-ness.

Then 2020 came along and said, "Hold my pumpkin beer."

This season we aren't facing the desire to overindulge with the fam. We're staring down the challenge of keeping our heads (or more accurately, our waistlines) while possibly feeling extreme stress, loneliness, and grief over what we're missing out on this year.

And THAT can be a recipe for some serious emotional eating and drinking that could quickly spill into the days, weeks, and months following Thanksgiving. 

So here I am, your friendly neighborhood health coach, giving you some loving tips to help you navigate this day with as much enjoyment AND health as possible. 

6 Thanksgiving Do's

1. Keep it simple.

We don't need 15 different sides to enjoy thanksgiving. Pick a veggie or 2, a carb or 2, and enjoy your turkey protein. 

Want an example? My Thanksgiving plate will consist of rotisserie chicken, roasted brussels sprouts with dried cranberries, sweet potato balls (both a veggie and a carb in one), and some gluten free stuffing!

2. Start your day with healthy habits.

Exercise, get a good nutritious breakfast in, and drink lots of water.

3. Follow the rule of 1's.

1 plate (no seconds).

1 serving size (meaning don't PILE your 1 plate with multiple servings of each food).

1 dessert.

1 drink (in an ideal world).

4. Eat veggies first, protein second, carbs third, and dessert at least 20 minutes after dinner.

In other words, fill up on the healthy stuff leaving less room for the naughty stuff.

5. Don't eat or drink if you're upset. 

Call a friend, take deep breaths, and wait until the mood passes before you consume anything. 

6. Find inventive ways to still connect with loved ones.

My parents and I are literally leaving zoom on all day in our kitchen so it's like we're hanging out.

3 Recovery Don'ts

1. Don't try to make up for overindulgence with extreme restriction.

Trying to fast, juice, cleanse, or detox will only reinforce the cycle of binge-deprive-binge-deprive.

2. Don't beat up on yourself.

Whatever choices you made, you made. You berating yourself about it isn't going to change anything. Just get back to your regular programming of balanced meals and moderate exercise.

3. Don't feel the need to eat ALL the left overs right away. 

Give some away to friends, family, or those in need. Or freeze individual servings to pull out when you need something quick. 

Want help keeping your health (and sanity) on track through this particularly challenging holiday season? Click here to book a free consultation to talk about what it would look like for us to work 1:1 together through the rest of 2020!


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