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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 166: WE REBRANDED! Welcome to Follow Your Gut!

Aug 16, 2022

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I'm going to be real with you... this is not the podcast episode I had planned for today.

Last week I wrote a fantastic guide on how to ramp up your immune system naturally as we head into fall and another covid wave. 

However, when my co-host Gio and I went to record it this morning... poof! The guide was gone. 

But we roll with the punches here and my girl Gio came to the rescue with a great idea while my tech guys tried to find my missing blog post.

You may have noticed that a couple of weeks...

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Episode 165: 4 Mindset Mistakes That Are Actively Halting Your Progress

Aug 09, 2022

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I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand more times...

In the game of health and weight loss, your mindset will fuck you up more than a cheat day ever will. 

How you speak to yourself, how you perceive setbacks, how you think about obstacles, and what you focus on is the difference between you taking another step forward or quitting.

It's the difference between you staying consistent or swinging from one extreme to another.

It's the difference between you feeling grateful when you...

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Episode 164: Weight Loss and Your Liver... The Connection You Never Knew About

Aug 02, 2022

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This podcast/blog is alllll about getting to the actual root of stubborn weight.

Because far too many people are gaslit and shamed about their weight struggles.

They're made to feel like they need to starve themselves to get results.

Or like their body is simply broken and they'll never be able to have the body they want.

Or like they're just plain stupid and don't know how to count calories. 

Well the buck stops here. 

If you've truly put in the effort to not just follow diets, but to...

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Episode 163: 7 Reasons You're Struggling with Consistency

Jul 26, 2022

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Does this sound like you, "I know what to eat, I know how to exercise, I just can't stick with it!"

If so, you are not alone. Consistency is probably the single biggest thing women are struggling with when they come to me, and it is the single most important thing if you want results.

But when talking about consistency, almost every woman I know says, "I just can't stay motivated long enough." 

And I'm here to tell you, motivation has nothing - and I do mean nothing -  to do with it. 


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Episode 162: Kat's Library... These 11 Books Will Change Your Life

Jul 19, 2022

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If you've been listening to this podcast/reading this blog for a while and you like the way I think about food, healing, mindset, and life in general, I have a secret for you...

I wasn't born thinking this way.

I know, shocking. I had to learn, and practice, and stumble, and relearn, and unlearn, again and again and again.

And my greatest teachers have been the books that line my shelves (or let's be real, my audible library). 

These authors have been my guides, helping me work...

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Episode 161: Busting the Heartburn Myth (Pssst it ISN'T too much acid!)

Jul 12, 2022

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I remember last summer I was visiting my parents in Florida and on day one I had the worst heartburn I've ever experienced in my life. 

It started out with the typical symptoms: that burning feeling in my chest, that hot, sour, acidic taste in the back of my throat.

Trying to go to bed that night was impossible. The pain radiated all the way to my back, I couldn't get comfortable, and all week, it seemed like every time I ate I was on the verge of the same discomfort. 

Back then I...

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Episode 160: 7 Tips to Conquer the Root of All Evil... Inflammation

Jul 05, 2022

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If you know me, you know I am always trying to get to the underbelly of weight gain. 

After 11 years of research, I'm a convinced that for most people battling their weight, the weight isn't actually the problem.

Stubborn weight is a symptom of an underlying problem.

And it is my goal to help you know what those possible root causes are so you can be empowered to transform your body and health without resorting to starving yourself. 

And one of those potential root causes is...

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Episode 159: 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Motivation Today!

Jun 28, 2022

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Yes, today's episode is all about how to jumpstart your motivation and I'm sure you're chomping at the bit to find out how to ignite that in yourself. 

But before we get into the nitty gritty tips and tricks, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you this first...

Relying on motivation to achieve any long-term goal is like being in a boat and relying on the wind to get you from one continent to the another. 

That wind makes the ride a lot easier, smoother, and more enjoyable. But at...

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Episode 158: 11 Ways to Combat Fatigue

Jun 21, 2022

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One of the most common symptoms women tell me they struggle with day in and day out is low energy. 

And while it may seem relatively harmless - it isn't a disease, it isn't going to kill us, it's just... uncomfortable - fatigue can have a huge impact on our quality of life. 

I remember back in college when my symptoms were at their peak, I could sleep for 12 hours and still be passing out in class. 

I didn't want to go to parties with my friends, I didn't have the energy to be around people very...

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Episode 157: Alcohol and Weight Loss... Can You Have Both?

Jun 14, 2022

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If I were to ask you how you unwind after a long, stressful day, what would your answer be?

For many of us, especially post-pandemic, the answer would be a glass of wine... or scotch... or whatever your drink of choice may be.

And here's the thing, if you're happy with your weight, your physical health, and your mental wellbeing, and you enjoy a cocktail every night, I say more power to you!

But most of us are not there. 

Most of us are struggling with unwanted weight, anxiety, depression, gut...

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